Finding Sweet Relief at Galan Sports Chiropractic in Lahaina

Finding Sweet Relief at Galan Sports Chiropractic in Lahaina

  • Gary Mooers
  • 01/3/23

When you’re burning up the sands playing beach volleyball, sometimes nagging injuries can slow your once-magnificent spiking skills down to a crawl. That’s when the services of a true healing professional are truly worth their weight in gold—and that’s why our very own GM Maui Group member Gary Mooers has been an active client at Galan Sports Chiropractic in Lahaina, nestled into the famous Lahaina Gateway complex!

Heather and Abe Galan are most definitely two of Gary’s favorite folks here on the island, as they’ve been wielding their practiced skills to keep him feeling limber and youthful for years now. They specialize in all kinds of injury management, from muscles to tendons and ligaments, and employ several state-of-the-art technologies to get you going and keep you going strong. These fine clinicians are devout practitioners of active release techniques, which help to diagnose what’s wrong and pinpoint solutions straightaway. In fact, they can fix a whopping 95% of issues within only 4 visits—talk about putting your money where your mouth is!

Heather (a Doctor of Chiropractic) and Abe (a licensed massage therapist) command a top-notch team that’s standing at the ready to help you and yours achieve maximum fitness and health. Be sure to check them out on the west side of the island at 808-344-5066, and best believe you should tell them Gary sent you—they’ll know you’re talking about one of their very best and most frequent clients.


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