Ready to Visit Maui’s Most Popular Breakfast Joints?

Ready to Visit Maui’s Most Popular Breakfast Joints?

  • Gary Mooers
  • 07/25/22

We sure are—so let’s get to it!

For years, Gary Mooers and his pals would congregate in the welcoming atmosphere of Kihei Caffe, located mauka of Kalama Park in South Maui (when you’re one of the top 3% of all Maui realtors, it’s vital that you start the day off right, after all!). Good eats, good folks—what more could one ask for? In a way, you could say that Kihei Caffe is responsible for keeping the GM Maui Team fueled and well-fed for keeping all our clients satisfied in turn 🤙

Recently we stopped in to say aloha to longtime friend and the owner of this fine establishment, Barry Allison, to get his take on what makes this place so special. Open since 1996, Kihei Caffe has always been a family affair that captures all the good vibes of our laid-back environment, not to mention serving up some of the finest, most scrumptious dishes to be found anywhere in the whole wide world. 

Take note, friends: there is almost always a line of hungry folks around 8 AM, so this is one spot you might want to pull up on early in your day.

And since more is always better, Kihei Caffe recently opened a new shop in Lahaina so that all our westside friends can enjoy their award-winning corned beef hash, French toast, and pork fried rice!

Check them out at, on social media, and of course don’t forget to stop on by and show them some love—you won’t regret it!

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