Have You Been to one of South Maui’s Best Natural Food Stores?

Have You Been to one of South Maui’s Best Natural Food Stores?

  • Gary Mooers
  • 05/2/22

Live right, eat right. Words to live by!

In addition to a wide array of wonderful restaurants, Maui is also very fortunate to call some absolutely amazing local grocers their own. Recently, our very own man-about-town Gary Mooers, stopped in for a visit and to talk some story at one of Maui Nui’s very best local grocers and eateries: Hawaiian Moons in Kihei!

This 25-year fixture of the community is located right across from Kam I in Kihei and is chock-full of all the good stuff you need to have a delicious, nutritious time on the Valley Isle:

  • Full-service groceries and an amazing produce section
  • Juice and coffee bar
  • A sandwich counter
  • Curbside and pick-up service—food made both to order and to go!

Take it from us, you don’t want to miss their turkey salad—there’s practically a riot going on in South Maui when they run out!

Open daily from 8 AM to 8 PM, Hawaiian Moons is a must-stop and a must-shop for all of your grubbing needs. We’re honored to call them our friends, and extremely lucky to be able to swing by for a power lunch whenever we’re able to enjoy all of their organic, local fare.

For more information on this spectacular store, visit hawaiianmoons.com to check out all their latest comings and goings—and be sure to check out their offerings from the juice bar and sandwich menu on Bite Squad as well!

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